Render .svelte files directly in the browser
This is for Svelte 4
Recently, I wanted to showcase a svelte example for threepipe. But adding a build step just for that seemed a bit too much.
So created a quick library that can import and render svelte files and components directly in the browser without a build step. (for use while development and showcase only).
Check it out on Github -
Working demos:
Please note that it is very slow for any kind of production use.
This is a simple library that includes the svelte compiler and provides functions to import and render a Svelte App/Component (.svelte files) directly inside a browser without a build step. (Useful for development and testing)
Extracted out the Bundler from the Svelte REPL.
Usage -
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Svelte Browser Import</title>
<script type="module">
import { importSvelte } from '';
const App = await importSvelte('./HelloWorld.svelte')
const app = new App({
target: document.getElementById('app'),
// app.$destroy() // destroy the app
// or just
// renderSvelte('./HelloWorld.svelte')
<div id="app"></div>