Loading glTF with KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness in three.js
Newer versions of three.js do not include spec/gloss PBR materials. The model must be converted to metal/rough PBR materials.
Runtime in three.js
When loading in three.js GLTFLoader
, the plugin/extension can be used to automatically convert the binary data to metal/rough PBR materials.
const gltfKhrPbrSpecularGlossinessConverter = (confirm?: (s: string)=>Promise<boolean>)=>(parser: GLTFParser)=>({
name: 'KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness',
beforeRoot: async() => {
if (confirm && !await confirm('Convert KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness to KHR_materials_pbrMetallicRoughness?')) return
const json = parser.json
const io = new WebIO().registerExtensions(ALL_EXTENSIONS)/*.registerExtensions(ALL_WEBGI_EXTENSIONS)*/
const document = await io.readJSON({json, resources: {
['@glb.bin']: new Uint8Array(parser.extensions.KHR_binary_glTF?.body),
// Convert materials.
await document.transform(metalRough())
// Write back to GLB.
const res = await io.writeBinary(document)
const binaryExtension = new GLTFBinaryExtension(res.buffer as any)
parser.extensions.KHR_binary_glTF = binaryExtension
parser.json = JSON.parse(binaryExtension.content)
// Sample usage
const loader = new GLTFLoader();
In webgi, threepipe, this extension is available with GLTFSpecGlossinessConverterPlugin
, simply add it to the viewer, and any model with KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness
will be converted to KHR_materials_pbrMetallicRoughness
while load.
UI conversion
Load the model into https://gltf.report/, accept the prompt to convert the material, and then export the result to a new file.
Offline command-line conversion
npm install --global @gltf-transform/cli
gltf-transform metalrough input.glb output.glb