Common Unicode symbols for use in terminal
A list of common unicode symbols that can be used in terminal prompts, scripts, and other places.
- Tick ✔ √ ✓ ☑ ✅🎯
- Cross ✘ × ╳ ❌
- Info ℹ i ℹ️
- Warning ⚠ ‼ ⚠️❗ ❕
- Question ❓❔
- Legal © ® ™
- Progress 🌀 🔄 🎡
- Globe 🌐 🌍 🌎 🌏
- Bullet • · —
- Write ✍ ✎
- Heart ❤ ♥ ♡
- Cut ✄
- Alert/Fire 🔥 🚨
- Success ✨ 🌟 🎉
- Cloud ⛅ ☁ ☁️
- Clock 🕒 ⏰ ⏲ ⏱ ⏳⌛
- Coming soon 🔜 🚧
- Development 🛠 🔨
- Star ☆ ★ ✶ ✩ ☼ ✰ ✪
- Robot 🤖
- Money 💰💵💲💳
- Book 📖 📚 📕 📗 📘 📙 📔 📓 📒 📚
- License 📑 📃 📜 📄 📋
- Bug 🐛 🐞
- Devices 🖥 📱 💻 🖨 🖱 🖲 🕹 📷 📹 🎥 📺 📻 🎙 🎚 🎛 🖥 🖨 🖱 🖲 🕹 📷 📹 🎥 📺 📻 🎙 🎚 🎛
- Mask 🎭
- Lock 🔒 🔐 🔏
- Key 🔑
- Eye 👁👀
- Hand 👋✋🤚🖐
- Link 🔗
- Comment 💬
- Package 🏄♂️📦🏄️
- Gear ⚙️⚙
- Cut ✂️
- Pen 🖊🖋🖌🖍✏️✒️
- Email 📧✉️
- Arrows ↑ ↓ ← → ↗ ↘ ↙ ↖
- Borders ╭ ╮ │ ├ ┤ ╰ ╯
borders sample
╭ Lets start
│ step log 1
│ step log 2
│ step log 3
├ Checkpoint
│ step log 1
│ step log 2
│ step log 3
╰ Done
- New tab ⧉ ◳ ❐ ↗️ ↗
open in new tab html
a[target="_blank"]::after {
content: url();
margin: 0 3px 0 5px;
<a class="external" href="" target="_blank">external link</a>
From figures
Figures -
Nice library of unicode symbols for use in terminal.
Copy from here, and use replaceSymbols
function to replace the symbols when printing.
import {replaceSymbols} from 'figures';
console.log(replaceSymbols('✔ check', {useFallback: true}));
Name | Main | Fallback |
tick | ✔ | √ |
info | ℹ | i |
warning | ⚠ | ‼ |
cross | ✘ | × |
square | █ | |
squareSmall | ◻ | □ |
squareSmallFilled | ◼ | ■ |
squareDarkShade | ▓ | |
squareMediumShade | ▒ | |
squareLightShade | ░ | |
squareTop | ▀ | |
squareBottom | ▄ | |
squareLeft | ▌ | |
squareRight | ▐ | |
squareCenter | ■ | |
circle | ◯ | ( ) |
circleFilled | ◉ | (*) |
circleDotted | ◌ | ( ) |
circleDouble | ◎ | ( ) |
circleCircle | ⓞ | (○) |
circleCross | ⓧ | (×) |
circlePipe | Ⓘ | (│) |
circleQuestionMark | ?⃝ | (?) |
radioOn | ◉ | (*) |
radioOff | ◯ | ( ) |
checkboxOn | ☒ | [×] |
checkboxOff | ☐ | [ ] |
checkboxCircleOn | ⓧ | (×) |
checkboxCircleOff | Ⓘ | ( ) |
questionMarkPrefix | ?⃝ | ? |
bullet | ● | |
dot | ․ | |
ellipsis | … | |
pointer | ❯ | > |
pointerSmall | › | › |
triangleUp | ▲ | |
triangleUpSmall | ▴ | |
triangleUpOutline | △ | ∆ |
triangleDown | ▼ | |
triangleDownSmall | ▾ | |
triangleLeft | ◀ | ◄ |
triangleLeftSmall | ◂ | |
triangleRight | ▶ | ► |
triangleRightSmall | ▸ | |
lozenge | ◆ | ♦ |
lozengeOutline | ◇ | ◊ |
home | ⌂ | |
hamburger | ☰ | ≡ |
smiley | ㋡ | ☺ |
mustache | ෴ | ┌─┐ |
heart | ♥ | |
star | ★ | ✶ |
play | ▶ | ► |
musicNote | ♪ | |
musicNoteBeamed | ♫ | |
nodejs | ⬢ | ♦ |
arrowUp | ↑ | |
arrowDown | ↓ | |
arrowLeft | ← | |
arrowRight | → | |
arrowLeftRight | ↔ | |
arrowUpDown | ↕ | |
almostEqual | ≈ | |
notEqual | ≠ | |
lessOrEqual | ≤ | |
greaterOrEqual | ≥ | |
identical | ≡ | |
infinity | ∞ | |
subscriptZero | ₀ | |
subscriptOne | ₁ | |
subscriptTwo | ₂ | |
subscriptThree | ₃ | |
subscriptFour | ₄ | |
subscriptFive | ₅ | |
subscriptSix | ₆ | |
subscriptSeven | ₇ | |
subscriptEight | ₈ | |
subscriptNine | ₉ | |
oneHalf | ½ | |
oneThird | ⅓ | |
oneQuarter | ¼ | |
oneFifth | ⅕ | |
oneSixth | ⅙ | |
oneSeventh | ⅐ | 1/7 |
oneEighth | ⅛ | |
oneNinth | ⅑ | 1/9 |
oneTenth | ⅒ | 1/10 |
twoThirds | ⅔ | |
twoFifths | ⅖ | |
threeQuarters | ¾ | |
threeFifths | ⅗ | |
threeEighths | ⅜ | |
fourFifths | ⅘ | |
fiveSixths | ⅚ | |
fiveEighths | ⅝ | |
sevenEighths | ⅞ | |
line | ─ | |
lineBold | ━ | |
lineDouble | ═ | |
lineDashed0 | ┄ | |
lineDashed1 | ┅ | |
lineDashed2 | ┈ | |
lineDashed3 | ┉ | |
lineDashed4 | ╌ | |
lineDashed5 | ╍ | |
lineDashed6 | ╴ | |
lineDashed7 | ╶ | |
lineDashed8 | ╸ | |
lineDashed9 | ╺ | |
lineDashed10 | ╼ | |
lineDashed11 | ╾ | |
lineDashed12 | − | |
lineDashed13 | – | |
lineDashed14 | ‐ | |
lineDashed15 | ⁃ | |
lineVertical | │ | |
lineVerticalBold | ┃ | |
lineVerticalDouble | ║ | |
lineVerticalDashed0 | ┆ | |
lineVerticalDashed1 | ┇ | |
lineVerticalDashed2 | ┊ | |
lineVerticalDashed3 | ┋ | |
lineVerticalDashed4 | ╎ | |
lineVerticalDashed5 | ╏ | |
lineVerticalDashed6 | ╵ | |
lineVerticalDashed7 | ╷ | |
lineVerticalDashed8 | ╹ | |
lineVerticalDashed9 | ╻ | |
lineVerticalDashed10 | ╽ | |
lineVerticalDashed11 | ╿ | |
lineDownLeft | ┐ | |
lineDownLeftArc | ╮ | |
lineDownBoldLeftBold | ┓ | |
lineDownBoldLeft | ┒ | |
lineDownLeftBold | ┑ | |
lineDownDoubleLeftDouble | ╗ | |
lineDownDoubleLeft | ╖ | |
lineDownLeftDouble | ╕ | |
lineDownRight | ┌ | |
lineDownRightArc | ╭ | |
lineDownBoldRightBold | ┏ | |
lineDownBoldRight | ┎ | |
lineDownRightBold | ┍ | |
lineDownDoubleRightDouble | ╔ | |
lineDownDoubleRight | ╓ | |
lineDownRightDouble | ╒ | |
lineUpLeft | ┘ | |
lineUpLeftArc | ╯ | |
lineUpBoldLeftBold | ┛ | |
lineUpBoldLeft | ┚ | |
lineUpLeftBold | ┙ | |
lineUpDoubleLeftDouble | ╝ | |
lineUpDoubleLeft | ╜ | |
lineUpLeftDouble | ╛ | |
lineUpRight | └ | |
lineUpRightArc | ╰ | |
lineUpBoldRightBold | ┗ | |
lineUpBoldRight | ┖ | |
lineUpRightBold | ┕ | |
lineUpDoubleRightDouble | ╚ | |
lineUpDoubleRight | ╙ | |
lineUpRightDouble | ╘ | |
lineUpDownLeft | ┤ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBold | ┫ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeft | ┨ | |
lineUpDownLeftBold | ┥ | |
lineUpBoldDownLeftBold | ┩ | |
lineUpDownBoldLeftBold | ┪ | |
lineUpDownBoldLeft | ┧ | |
lineUpBoldDownLeft | ┦ | |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDouble | ╣ | |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeft | ╢ | |
lineUpDownLeftDouble | ╡ | |
lineUpDownRight | ├ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldRightBold | ┣ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldRight | ┠ | |
lineUpDownRightBold | ┝ | |
lineUpBoldDownRightBold | ┡ | |
lineUpDownBoldRightBold | ┢ | |
lineUpDownBoldRight | ┟ | |
lineUpBoldDownRight | ┞ | |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRightDouble | ╠ | |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRight | ╟ | |
lineUpDownRightDouble | ╞ | |
lineDownLeftRight | ┬ | |
lineDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ┳ | |
lineDownLeftBoldRightBold | ┯ | |
lineDownBoldLeftRight | ┰ | |
lineDownBoldLeftBoldRight | ┱ | |
lineDownBoldLeftRightBold | ┲ | |
lineDownLeftRightBold | ┮ | |
lineDownLeftBoldRight | ┭ | |
lineDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╦ | |
lineDownDoubleLeftRight | ╥ | |
lineDownLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╤ | |
lineUpLeftRight | ┴ | |
lineUpBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ┻ | |
lineUpLeftBoldRightBold | ┷ | |
lineUpBoldLeftRight | ┸ | |
lineUpBoldLeftBoldRight | ┹ | |
lineUpBoldLeftRightBold | ┺ | |
lineUpLeftRightBold | ┶ | |
lineUpLeftBoldRight | ┵ | |
lineUpDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╩ | |
lineUpDoubleLeftRight | ╨ | |
lineUpLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╧ | |
lineUpDownLeftRight | ┼ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ╋ | |
lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ╈ | |
lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRightBold | ╇ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRightBold | ╊ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRight | ╉ | |
lineUpBoldDownLeftRight | ╀ | |
lineUpDownBoldLeftRight | ╁ | |
lineUpDownLeftBoldRight | ┽ | |
lineUpDownLeftRightBold | ┾ | |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRight | ╂ | |
lineUpDownLeftBoldRightBold | ┿ | |
lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRight | ╃ | |
lineUpBoldDownLeftRightBold | ╄ | |
lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRight | ╅ | |
lineUpDownBoldLeftRightBold | ╆ | |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╬ | |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftRight | ╫ | |
lineUpDownLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╪ | |
lineCross | ╳ | |
lineBackslash | ╲ | |
lineSlash | ╱ |